The summer can often be a quiet time in many industries as production lines are wound down or even closed to accommodate holidays. Brady recommends using this opportunity to check on compliance

Summer in industry can often be a frustrating time. Holidays need to be accommodated, many production lines and plants are wound down, even closed for at least part if not all of August.

It can be a useful time however for double checking on compliance. A press cutting from the US shows that although the OSHA and HSE differ, many of the safety breaches documented in the 2010 Top Ten violations are common whichever side of the Atlantic you are on.

Year in, year out, the actual ranking of violations hardly changes, only the numbers increase (see below). It makes a fairly stark reminder as far as workplace responsibilities are concerned.

1. Scaffolding (9,056)

These fines have been imposed where safety requirements for how scaffolding should be designed, constructed and loaded, as well as how to protect employees working on or around scaffolds have been broken.

2. Fall protection (8,224)

These breaches have occurred where companies have failed to protect employees on a walking/working surface with an unprotected side or edge above 6ft and where appropriate guardrail, safety net and personal fall arrest systems are used.

3. Hazard communication (7,179)

These are fines given for failing to communicate the hazards of chemicals in the workplace. The most common citation is for failing to have a written hazard communication.

4. Respiratory protection (4,224)

This standard provides requirements for how to establish and maintain a respiratory protection program.

Exposure to substances through use or as a product of processes is governed by the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. These regulations require individuals to be protected from exposure to substances present or created which may be hazardous to their immediate or long-term health.

5. Ladder safety and inspection identification equipment (4,132)

Most companies are cited for failing to meet the standards for ladder

maintenance and use in construction. Scafftag is the leader in the provision of such products and can also provide help and guidance.

6. Lockout/Tagout (3,756)

OSHA lists a number of minimum performance requirements for the control of hazardous energy when servicing and maintaining machines and equipment. Check out the portfolio of lo/to options available at, which cover all industrial sectors.

7. Electrical wiring (3,628)

This standard outlines requirements for the grounding of electrical equipment, wiring and insulation. The requirements also apply for temporary wiring and splicing such as flexible cords and cables.

8. Floor marking and safety ID for powered industrial trucks (3,453)

This standard provides requirements for operating, maintaining and designing forklifts and motorised lift trucks. Violations are commonly given for failing to meet compliance during the training process.

9. Electrical safety ID (2,977)

This is OSHA’s general standard for electrical system safety. Most violations relate to two sections: the requirements for examination, installation and use of electrical equipment and the requirements for electrical equipment operators at more than 600 volts.

10. Machine guarding (2,712)

This standard provides detailed requirements on how to safeguard machinery to protect operators from preventable injuries, particularly at the point of operation.

Any member of the Brady team would be happy to arrange a site visit and suggest the most practical and cost-effective solutions to aid in compliance, although please bear in mind, legal responsibility for fulfilling workplace safety obligations remains with each individual organisation.

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