ifm electronic is now offering a 30-day free trial of its moneo software. This has been developed specifically to provide users of automation systems with a fast, easy and convenient way collecting the data and then visualising key metrics such as cost of energy used. The clarity of the information drives actions to typically reduce downtime, optimised efficiency and lower costs. The free trial software has no functional restrictions, so users can fully evaluate its performance in relation to their own specific applications.

Those taking advantage of the moneo free trial offer can choose from two versions of the software: moneo configure and moneo RTM.

moneo configure is a parameter-setting package that allows IO-Link networks to be configured and monitored with just a few mouse clicks. It features a scan function that provides fast detection and display of even complex IO-Link networks with multiple masters, and also offers invaluable diagnostic functions. An integrated connection to the IODD database facilitates use with third-party devices.

moneo RTM is a powerful condition monitoring tool that makes it easy for users to set up application-specific dashboards so that they can see key plant information at a glance. The software also includes flexible alarm functionality that instantly alerts the user in the event of a plant malfunction, either directly or by automatically sending an email to a designated address. Additionally, moneo RTM incorporates the parameter setting features of moneo configure

Both of ifm’s free trial moneo software packages can be run under Microsoft Windows on most modern computers. Users who decide to purchase moneo software after the trial can instantly transfer all of their configuration information and data to the paid-for version.